Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life as I know it

We've finally gotten use to the new apartment. Merrill has become the expert bug exterminator and my hero. We've had some problems with the toilet flooding, but we've prevented it from happening too often. I just wish we could open the windows and get some fresh air, but they are all sealed (I guess to prevent water damage in the winter).

The family reunion was pretty cool. I got to meet most of Merrill's cousins on his mom's side. The first day we were there, we went to the small town of Idaho City, which happens to be a mining town. Most of the town is made up of old buildings from the 1800s, which are still in use. The whole family went to the City Hall to do some family history research. It was fun to look through huge 200-year-old leather-bound books and deciphering the handwriting to find names. The next day Merrill's uncle told the family that everyone was going to participate in a "service project" which involved everyone climbing the steep mountain side and throwing/dragging down trees and branches to clear the site of a former forest fire. Merrill's mom told me not to go so I wouldn't risk falling down the mountain. Merrill decided that that was the worst day of the whole reunion. The next day was really boring and there were no plans, so Merrill and I decided to leave so that he could do some work on his small business.

Now, we are just waiting for Rexburg to come back to life when school starts. And Merrill making fun of me and my expanding belly.


  1. Glad you're getting more settled into your apartment. That's always a good thing! It sounds like you had a good time visiting the family as well :)

    Aww, and a growing belly. You will be the cutest pregnant woman, haha.

  2. It's a law that you have to post pictures of your growing belly! :o) Glad all is well in the Tew household!

  3. Jen is right. We NEED pictures!!! Love ya!

  4. Hey! My work is wanting to do a logo (like one you would put as a letterhead or on business cards, etc.) Anyway, since you're an expert at stuff like that, do you want to create one for us? It's a jewelry company called Stockdale Jewelers. My boss likes diamonds (like a single stone, or whatever) and would like to have just "SJ" He likes the "s" like if you were to write it in print, but kinda fancy, and the "j" to be more of a cursive J. We've been playing with putting a single diamond stone with the initials next to it, but I don't have the fancy computer programs to make it look half way decent. He doesn't want a lot of colors and we do a lot in black and white. So, if you can come up with something, that would be great. If not, it's alright, as long as you post some belly pics! ;o) My email is if you need to correspond. Thanks!


Eliana Jean Tew