I've made it into the last 3 months--and I'm beginning to feel it! I never realized how hard it is to go from sitting down to standing up with such a big belly (being pregnant motivates me to never want to be fat). And I'm only going to get bigger! Yikes! Little Eliana is moving a LOT. I'm lucky she doesn't have kicks and punches--she just squirms most of the time, almost like she is stretching. Maybe she'll be a dancer...
Merrill and I are trying to find an apartment in Portland. We were hoping to live on-campus, but we only made the waiting list. So, we have to search a big city that neither of us are familiar with. Hopefully we can find something affordable and relatively close to campus before January when Merrill starts school.
I can't wait for Tuesday to come around! I'll finally get to see friends and family, some who I haven't seen in years. And what better time to catch up and be together than during the holidays?